Date : 28/6/2009
Time : 7.00 am - 1.00 pm
This year was my last year for attended the sport day event.
This year I have been choosen to be vice president of red house...
Althought I'm not active at sport,I would work hard on other aspects...
I'm great that Azwan(President of Red House) and me work together~
both of us were librarian and as the leader of red house...
We put some effort on it and make sure all the things settled.
Althought this year red house lose already but yet the spirit of red house still burning and will continue for the next year ^^
Thanks for the atlets who participated in the Sport Day ~
I'm join the PBSM perbarisan...
We all didnt pratice and just went out and arrange ourself into 3 ppl in one row with our own style...haha
That's mean without the correct way ~
My skin and face become darker already ~
this is due to the expose of sunlight ya ~HAiz...haha
WInner :
1st ----Rumah Hijau
2nd----Rumah Biru
3rd ----Rumah Merah
4 ------Rumah Kuning
For the last year at SMK Tanah Putih,
at lease I have the memory when me with all of my friends when sport day ^^
Red house ,gambateh next year ya~
win the first place for our red house..the spirit is the most important...
Bye bye ,sport day
juli,wen shing,me and yan jun
(we taking picture when principal gave a speech in front ~hohoho )